• Add A Free Softube Saturation Knob, Anywhere: Plug-in For Mac

    Add A Free Softube Saturation Knob, Anywhere: Plug-in For Mac Add

    My response when they told me the Saturation Knob is a free plug-in was—are you nuts? It's too good to be free! I use it to make guitars fatter and more aggressive, snares naturally brighter, kicks punchier, vocals warmer. Basically, it's good on just about anything. Saturation Knob should be renamed Attitude Adjuster! If a plugin can be addicting, the Saturation Knob is it!

    Michael Brauer, Seven Grammy awards, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Coldplay Saturation Knob is NKS-ready and integrates with Native Instruments hardware and software. Plug-in parameters and presets can be controlled from KOMPLETE KONTROL and MASCHINE How can I get it? Saturation Knob is available for free!

    This one models tube saturation, whereas the one on Focusing Equalizer is taken from the transistor saturation of their FET Compressor plugin. So, I'm too waiting for a PC VST version of that famous knob. On top of an excellent free NI delay, a free clap plug-in, and a free retro-inspired Max for Live drum machine, now you can add a free saturation effect – anywhere. Softube are making, simply put, some of the best amp and saturation models anywhere.

    Simply sign in to your Softube/Gobbler account and click the 'Get Your Free License' button at the top of this page. Then go to our page and install the Gobbler App, which is used to install our software. Sign in to the app using your Softube/Gobbler account and click the 'Install' button next to the Saturation Knob to install it. This will make it ready for use in your DAW. Propellerheads Reason users can get it from the Propellerheads store.

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    Here's one we've been waiting for. Has release an AAX update for their Saturation plug-in, and they're giving it away for FREE! That's great news for all of you who have upgraded to Pro Tools 11, and have been waiting patiently for your favorite 64-bit AAX plug-in updates.

    Keep being patient. They are coming! Just follow this and download your free Softube Saturation Knob. More info from: The Saturation Knob is a modeled output distortion that can be used anywhere you need some grit. Use it to fatten up bass lines, add some harmonics and shimmer to vocals, or simply destroy your drum loop.

    Add A Free Softube Saturation Knob Anywhere: Plug-in For Mac Pro

    The three modes, Keep High, Neutral and Keep Low give you three kinds of characters of distortion. If you want to squash a drum loop but keep the bass drum fairly intact, you can for example use the Keep Low mode. Dell 2407 driver for mac. More info from: Experience AAX for yourself—get Softube’s Saturation Knob plug-in free by completing the form, and add some analog warmth to your tracks (includes both 64-bit AAX DSP and Native versions for Pro Tools 11 and 32-bit AAX versions for Pro Tools 10). The Saturation Knob plug-in is compatible with AAX DSP and AAX Native systems running Pro Tools 10/11 or Pro Tools HD 10/11 on Mac OS and Windows (no iLok authorization required). Availability and support for this software is the responsibility of Softube and is subject to change and expiration without notice.

    Add A Free Softube Saturation Knob, Anywhere: Plug-in For Mac